About us

About Our Tax Practice

Why use our service? You may be thinking that or perhaps I'm thinking about it for you. Either way,

It's a great question. Think about your taxes over the past three years. It's possible that you've gone into a nice tax office and had them completed. It's possible you may have sat down, been asked some questions, and just as quick as it began, it was over. You received your normal refund or tax bill and no advice was given either way. Why would one who gets a refund need advice? Because, typically, that is the amount that you OVERPAID! If you had a tax bill owed, advice is definitely needed to ensure that you no longer have to owe. What I'm getting to is that most tax preparers and professionals are not equipped to help you in this regard. We practice and implement in our own tax lives the very things that we teach our clients. When is the last time your tax preparer or professional advised you on how you can really lower your tax burden or how you can MAXIMIZE your tax refund? 

James Hall - CEO/Senior Tax Preparer


James is the Senior Professional Tax Preparer. He is partnered with his wife and Co-Owner Chona Hall. Both are well versed in the tax laws and consistently looking to bring more understanding to taxpayers. They started out partnering with a financial education company that helped educate them on the tax laws. That intrigued them to begin doing further research on the tax laws and how to practice tax minimization in their own lives. They leveraged that understanding and began J & C Financial Services, LLC. 


We are a technology-powered remote firm!


They are hosted out of Falling Waters, WV serving clients remotely using a secure client portal, and mobile apps to stay better connected to their clients. Through leveraging technology, they are able to partner with clients nationwide. Clients are able to get a simple user-friendly experience in tax preparation and tax planning services. They are empowered to educate and freely do so with their clientele. 


Together, with their team, they are making a positive impact in the Tax Professional industry. Take a look at the user-friendly secure client portal below. If you'd like to discuss partnering with J & C Financial Services, click on BOOK APPT here or below.